Reiki Walk Through

In her blog 'for Dragonflies & Me,' Jean shares a tip that's helped her keep her home both 'cozy and welcoming,' but also a place children can be children - a several times a day 'Walk Through.' 

Jean writes: "The walk through is a very basic concept that I believe most of us do everyday, but never really had a name for.  It’s easy to apply to our daily schedules and routines and it’s one that children can completely understand. The walk through is simply going through a room and picking up everything that is out-of-place AND putting it away where it belongs.  Simply eh?"

This morning I invited my 2 1/2 & almost 3 year old Granddarlings to help me do a 'Walk Through' on the Living room, before Mama & Daddy came home for lunch ... we put away Duplos ("Pick up time! Pick up time!") then went back to the entrance & looked for anything out of place 'oh, oh! Where do these shoes go? ... ooo, lets put these blocks back in the (ride on) train ... how about these books ... ' the 3 year old stayed on task with me, while the 2 1/2 year old got distracted (but at least wasn't pulling more stuff out!!) and we had finished in about 5 minutes .... then we read a couple of stories, before I went back to preparing lunch.

While this is a great PHYSICAL practice, while we're at it, we can bless the room with Reiki! If you've been attuned to the symbols, so much the better; but ANYONE can use the power of intention as they're moving through their home. Mrs Takata tells of daily blessing the walls of her new Reiki Clinic & home when she returned to Hawaii, after her time in Japan.
  • use the Mental/Emotional self-treatment to help inspire / make you more aware of what needs addressed, & to help you decide what to keep, what to move on.
  • Bless the room with the symbols, or just smoothing the walls with your 'Reiki Hands' (or simply say a prayer of blessing).
  • Imagine each step you take throughout your home blessing the floor, each touch blessing the items, the walls, the surfaces.
  • As you sweep or vacuum, imagine any disharmony, discouragement, sadness etc being removed from the room.
  • Do a final 'Walk Through' after you've done the physical straightening/ clearing, & bless the whole space.
Just for today, bless your home & office as you 'Walk Through,' clear & cleanse.


  1. This winter I participated in a virtual retreat, Woman Unleashed. One guest, Karo Caldwell, spoke of creating our homes as Sanctuaries. I loved her simple Feng Shui: "If it annoys, move it OUT of your space!"
    As you clear, begin to consider what styles appeal NOW? (she suggests Pinterest as a source of ideas, and place to vision)

    Another Unleashed participant, Tracy Stamper, said Kari's talk really inspired her, "Shift has happened! I am reweaving energy like an ecstatic banshee. purging shifting. moving. creating sacred spaces everywhere. it feels like I am painting my home with an energy paintbrush!"
    Perfect analogy!


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