Fourteen Day Challenge

 Following our weekend Reiki 1 class, I've decided to do a personal 14 day Reiki challengeAs I revisited my Reiki journals, I was reminded of previous challenges I've done, and they are a lovely way to refresh and recharge our energy. 

It's 35 years since I took first Degree Reiki, and  that first day, our teacher Analyse invited us to go to sleep with one hand on our heart, and one on our belly. This is one of the simplest self-Reiki forms. 

Reiki journal

I began a page in my Reiki Journal, to track my Reiki sessions and practices.  I plan to choose a session and one or two practices daily. I do a morning blessing most days (Cherokee and a Reiki morning meditation/ blessing. 

Self Reiki options:

  • B: Basic self Reiki (~ 45 minutes 
  • C: Chakra treatment (~ 30 minutes
  • G: Gasshô practice (12- 15 minutes
  • H: Hatsurei-Ho  (meditation - 12 minutes
Practices and self care

There are many practices that we can use to support our Reiki journies - these are some of my favorites:

  • Work with the principles (make cards) choose one a day, or for a cycle of 3 days
  • Morning meditation 
  • Write in your Reiki journal or on blog
  • Receive a session
  • Give a sessionl
  • Reiki a pet (on or off body)
  • Bless your food and drink
  • Do a house blessing
Will you join me on the challenge? 
Jump in any time for 7, 14 or 21 days of deepening with Reiki!


  1. I feel I'm too fidgety for mediation and the like. I consider enjoying my morning coffee and some scrolling through FB my me-time, and these writing challenges my journaling.

    1. Lovely way to begin the day - and I can relate to being fidgitty, Tamara!!

      In a class with an gal who sees people's energy fields, I loved hearing that our brains switch states when we do moving meditation like Qigong, Tai Chi, Breema ... as that's what works best for me!!
      Our online Breema classes begin and end with a SHORT meditation, with movement in the middle.
      And the one I do most mornings is outside, and a little chant inviting blessings.

      The Hatsurei-Ho is a sweet option - and you can do the first part without reciting the principles (it's only a couple of minutes being still)

  2. I have never done reiki and I admire you taking on the callenge! I love meditating, journaling, doing home blessings. I think I am aligned with reiki from what I can tell. I enjoyed this post!

    1. Thank you Julie -
      I am so grateful I found Reiki in the late 80s - and, as you say, many are aligned in their own way!
      As a massage therapist, it was great to have a practice that fills me first, so I'm recharged after giving a session or teaching.

      Mrs Takata sometimes said Reiki initiation 'tunes us' to the Reiki channel, and as we tune in, the energy flows more freely.

      One of my early students told me that before attunment, she did healing sessions, l but had to work at 'gathering energy.' After the first initiation, she felt it flow into her as soon as she put her hands on someone! And could see it flowing into me as I taught!
      I feel more than see, and so love these affirmatios!

  3. Although I trained as a Reiki master, I'm now more focused on connecting with my own inner light and divine self healing. I'd love to adapt those focuses into a challenge. A sort of hermit challenge. Let me ponder that. When does yours start?

  4. Such a grounding challenge! Revisiting self-Reiki practices is a beautiful way to reconnect with Reiki energy. Enjoy the journey!

    1. It is, Jazzy - and I'm loving the reconnection! Very timely ...

  5. I hope you enjoy your challenge and it sounds exciting to do both a Cherokee and Reiki morning meditation.

    1. Thank you, Martha!
      I'm intrigued at how similar the languages feel and sound! They are both very sweet.


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