
Showing posts from February, 2022

After your Session

 Sometimes a Reiki season will bring up emotions for clearing - I recall my teacher Alalyse inviting us to observe them, and not get swept up by them. Years ago, another friend found she'd often feel open and vulnerable after some sessions - if you expropriation this, consider adding some practices for integration.  Spiral of life After the session When ready, open your eyes and notice three things in the room. Ground yourself, and imagine mama Gaia welcoming any released energy as compost.  Place one hand on the top of your head and the other on your belly.  Imagine your energies being 'sealed up' as you prepare to leave the healing space.  Sweep your hands from just above your head, over the back of your neck, down your sides, and flick your fingers, imagining anything extra being released into the earth. Repeat at least three times. Bless and drink a glass of water, inviting the energy to integrate into your body, and anything released to leave your field.  Perhaps go ou