Reiki for the Home

As I prepare for tomorrow Reiki class, I'm thinking about different practices and uses for Reiki. Including Reiki in trending your home is simple and effective. 

A tip that comes from Amanda Gibby Peters of Simple Shui is to use salt for an, "everyday, any situation cleanse. You simply leave a small bowl of (sea or Himalayan) salt out for 24 hours." 

Salt and NW Reiki gathering stone

At 24 hours, dispose of the salt outside in the dirt or trash - whatever makes the most sense for you. You will feel brighter and lighter immediately!

The salt collects stagnant / negative energy, and 'gremlins' so it's important to take that next step and toss it out! 

Infuse your broom with Reiki and cinnamon

Like smudging, you can bless a space with Reiki. One of Hawayo Takata's stories was of touching and blessing the walls of her Reiki House, as it was under construction. I did this with Rose Cottage, plus several Feng Shui practices. Put a bit of cinnamon essential oil on your broom to 'sweeten' the space! 

Energetic infusion

Here are some tips for incorporating Reiki into dethugging and cleaning your space:

  • Set your intention for the clearing - focus on how you'd like your space to feel. 
  • Invite the assistance of your guides, allies, angels. Include Reiki as you clear, and to infuse the room/ space with good Chi. 
  • Set out a wee bowl of Reiki infused salt for 24 hours, then dump outside. 
  • Sweep your front walk and blow cinnamon on your front door to welcome in abundance and good energy.

After doing a clearing, add a bit of salt to your bath water -- I like to soak in Epsom salts, and add baking soda with borax (1 Tbsp borax to 1 C baking soda, use one handfull of the mix to 2 handfuls of Epsom salts.) And essential oils to the salts if you wish.

Salmon River sparkles

Stay hydrated, especially while cleaning and purging! Take a pinch of salt before sipping water - this makes the cells more receptive!

  • How do you tend your space with Reiki?


  1. Good morning Nadya, what interesting tips. I love the one about putting cinnamon oil on the broom! I too add Epsom salt for soaking and usually add a bit of lavender essential oil, it's so relaxing.

    1. Good morning, Martha
      Yes, i like that touch of cinnamon on the broom - just a hint of sweetness!
      I so miss my bathtub! I know it's *practical* to have a shower in my new home ... and can take bags at my daughter's next door ....
      It was fun to find out that bicarbonate (in the making soda) and boron (the borax) are cofactors for the magnesium in the Epsom salts!
      They are finer, so i usually mix them in a seperate container ....

  2. Thank you for sharing these interesting ways to incorporate Reiki into daily cleansing! Just to clarify, if I want to 'Reiki infuse' a bowl of salt, should I be holding my hands above the salt and channeling my energy, or simply setting my intention for it to collect negative energy over the 24-hour period? I’m new to this, so any tips are much appreciated.
    Good luck for your class!

    1. You're welcome, Tamara!
      Great question - I usually hold my hand above the bowl - and setting intention is always helpful.
      My African 'etheric healing' teacher suggested imagining rainbows streaming from your hand to infuse water with healing energy - so I sometimes do that!
      Nadya 🌈

  3. Love these tips for bringing positive energy into the home—thank you for sharing!

    1. You're welcome, Jazzy - these little touches can help lift the energy !


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