Practical Reiki

 The Reiki precepts begin kyo dake wa, just for today ...

I love the concept that we become the jumper cables for the energy - it flows through, not from us. When we have Reiki, we can invite the energy to flow into our activities and interactions throughout each day. 
Morning bowl
While Mrs Takata awaited surgery in Dr Maeda's hospital in Tokyo, each meal prepared by the doctor's sister, the dietician, was blessed with Reiki: green tea, Rice, beans, steamed vegetables (especially carrots & beets), seaweed. 
As she learned Reiki herself, Mrs Takata blessed her own food and drink, and later recommended that her students do the same.
Teachers in many traditions suggest blessing what we serve and ingest, when we do this daily, it soon becomes second nature. We can also use Reiki around the home:
  • set up an altar
  • hold seeds or herbs a minute before we plant them
  • bless a craft project we're working on
  • sweep the floor
  • whilst talking with a friend or on the phone
  • play a musical instrument
  • atune to objects as we decide whether to keep them, or pass them on
As we work with Reiki, it becomes our best teacher, and empowers us to live into our potential. 

Do you have Reiki or another healing modality?


  1. I love this! My family prays before each meal to thank God for providing for us. When family and others ask how I get something to taste so good, I joking tell them that my secret ingredient is vitamin

    1. Beautiful!
      My friend Candy (Choctaw, Cherokee and Welsh) said he mama and auntie would sing while cooking, and send her out of the kitchen, if she entered in a bad mood!

  2. I thank God continually for His blessings in all that I do. In the same way, I ask that He guides my hands in what I create, so it will be a blessing to others.

  3. I totally agree. Using Reiki everyday helps tremendously. My father had a seizure and I gave him Reiki and he was a lot better later

  4. I haven't formally blessed or pray before meals but I am always thankful. Maybe I need to develop a ritual of doing so.

    1. Gratitude is precious - Even just pausing a moment can be helpful. My African teacher Eric Vormans suggested meaning rainbows into liquids before drinking - and I love remembering to do that.


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