For the Self First
When Takata was teaching Reiki, she encouraged her students to think of 'Reiki for the Self First!' As we serve as a conduit for the healing & spiritual energy of Reiki, it flows into us before blessing the person or object we're 'Reiking.' With the gift of Reiki, we are assured that we will also benefit. I've noticed this in many instances over the years - if I stubbed my toe on the way to offer a session, I'd often feel 'zings' in that toe while I worked, & often couldn't recall WHICH toe was hurt after the appointment. Magic! About 10 years ago, I was taking a series of weekly Soaring Crane Qigong classes , shortly after I smashed my left index finger in my sliding glass door. OUCH! An injury that a Reiki & Massage Therapist dreads. Hypericum perferatum I'd been doing poultices, Self-Reiki, taking Homeopathic Hypericum , (which is especially helpful for healing when nerves are involved), using Hypericum tincture, and...