Reiki 2

 When I took First Degree Reiki in 1989, I knew I wanted to continue with the trainings, and eventually, to open the Reiki door for others. The next step on the path to Mastery the Second level, or Okuden. A year later, I was able to take that step. 

Some time ago, my ᏦᏍᏓᏓᎸ (tso-s-da-da-lv / Sister) in Reiki, Sheila King, wrote:

'Going deeply into your heart
          Going deeply into your healing
                    Opening yourself to the light ...

'The Japanese word Okuden means 'the Deeper knowledge'. To take Second degree Reiki means to open to deeper levels of Reiki and to yourself. Reiki on all levels is like  light in our lives, shining in all the dark corners, bringing us into alignment with our Higher Selves. 

'First degree is like a flashlight shining within us. As we complete the shifting this illumination brings, we are ready to welcome the brighter stronger light that is Okuden. Initiation into Second degree gives us much more Light & energy to direct.'

Hawayo Takata

Everyone has their own timing - my friend Margot was initiated by Hawayo Takata 10 years before she took Second Degree, and another decade passed before Mastery called! Take your time!  Mrs Takata often told her students that level 1 was 'enough' - that light shines at all levels, and you can go deeper with Reiki any time you wish!

Matching picture Rose

With Okuden, students are invited to connect with and use Reiki more consciously. I invite my students to share the practices they already incorporate, and their goals/ desire for deepening with Reiki. 

We use creativity to learn and integrate the symbols, and practice ways to use them. At times, after Okuden, practioners become more sensitive to the issues and feelings of others - especially those which mirror their own. Not everyone experiences this - but if you do -

My Lightwork teacher offered a practice using a matching picture rose between you and your client. (You could place a picture of a rose in your treatment room, or a salt lamp, and 'activate' it if a matching issue comes up in the session .)

The Rose's job is to absorb/ transmute any of these 'matching' issues which come up in a session. See its stem well rooted into the earth (and ground yourself before the session) ... if you have taken Second degree, you might include the mental-emotional treatment. 

After the session is complete, seperate your energy from your client and observe 3 things around the room - then use the SHK (visualize and use the mantra internally) as you DISSOLVE the Rose and it's stem! See it evaporate, taking any issues cleared with it.

After leaving the room, release your own grounding cord into the earth, going down as compost, then send down a new cord (check in to see what color is best for today!) 

Journal about the session, and consider doing a EFT and a mental-emotional self treatment, using any insights gained. If you identified an unhealthy 'cord,' you can use this process to cut it and clear it on your own, or in a session with another healer. 

I'm happy to answer any questions about Reiki II, clearing techniques or deepening at any level


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