Reiki and EFT

My middle granddaughter, now 14, has struggled with OCD and worries for a number of years. Though off gluten since 4 (which helps!) very committed to avoiding other foods she's sensitive to, and on medication, she still struggles. 

Several years ago, my niece recommended EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping), and last year, KK had a series of 6 sessions with a local practitioner. This was something she could do on her own, and faithfully tapped each evening before bed for several months. She also tapped before athletic events, to ease anxiety and boost performance. She's doing better, and has "one more tool" for stressful times.

EFT is an energy meridian therapy, which involves tapping on a series of meridian points on
the upper body (head, chest and hands) in a specific pattern, generally while repeating an affirmative phrase. Last fall I enrolled in an online EFT course with Graham Nichols, and I've attended several group sessions with KK's practitioner. 

In a recent conference call, Graham suggested we choose a couple of positive characteristics, and tap on them morning and evening for the next 28 days. I invite you to join in, with tapping or simply with Reiki! Some named today were:
  • Ease and Well-being
  • Love and respect
  • Love and forgiveness
  • Joy and gratitude
  • Confidence and excitement
During our call, one participant asked if combining Reiki and EFT might result in "too much" energy ... on the contrary, I feel they support each other beautifully! 

So what are some ways we can combine these two energy techniques? 
  • Graham recommends beginning and ending sessions with a simple heart activation technique. Place your hands on your heart, breathe in and out, imagining the heart being activated with each breath. (Perfect place to activate your Reiki Hands)
  • Do a Reiki self-treatment, visualize the points and silently repeat your affirmative phrase, "Now that I feel filled with energy and well being, (energy and well-being, energy and well-being, ...) I deeply love and accept myself." 
  • Tap on the Reiki principles: Today I release (worry, anger), I will (honor my teachers and elders, will show integrity) I am grateful! (Here's a short video)
  • Self-Reiki is a great tool for any practitioner, especially those who often feel drained or affected by moods of others. Try a well of self-Reiki and see how you feel! 
Second degree Practitioners and Masters:
  • Mental/Emotional - tap several rounds of your positive phrase, finish with a M/E treatment with hands on your Forehead and Occiput (draw the M/E symbol on your palms) 5+ minutes
  • Use the M/E symbol to gain insights on the core issue for yourself/a client, then tap on the issue (as specific as possible) and comps with M/E treatment (self or for client) 
  • Send (Distant) Reiki ahead to your Future Aspect and tap on a upcoming challenge
  • Empower any session for deeper healing. 
Do you include both EFT and Reiki in your healing practice? I'd love to hear your experiences and tips! 
You're invited to join the 28 day challenge! 


  1. Just tried it and it worked wonderfully! I would like to try the challenge using reiki on the points, instead of EFT, which for some weird reason gives me indigestion. So the 28-day challenge sounds great! I'm at Nice to see you, Nadya!

  2. Oh, Jeanine, great to see you! I love that you're using that option!!
    I feel more in tune with Reiki in the morning, and tapping in the evening, and using the Reiki principles sequence as another option! Hugs

  3. I got here much interesting stuff. The post is great! Thanks for sharing it! Bosta Booster Reiki


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