Reiki journal

 Following my initiation as a Reiki Master in 1991, I began keeping a Reiki journal in a simple blank book. I wrote about my Reiki experiences, thoughts on integrating the principles, and ideas about teaching classes. 

In 2015, I enrolled in a 9 month program for teaching process and intention focused creativity, and created Juju Journals, using composition books as the base, early on. Like my Reiki Journal, we could write in these, or glue a couple of pages together and use paint (inexpensive acrylic is fine) or collage for process pages. 

During the course, we were invited to explore how the creative processes might support our own Soulwork, and l thought of my Reiki students!

Reiki Students Creating Journal covers

When I took Second Degree Reiki in 1990, we first learned the three symbols, and then (gulp!) burned the papers!! Scary, but also empowering! Our workshop was at the coast, & that night I danced the symbols under the stars - WOW!

With Intentional Creativity, we might use creative processes as our sacred Fire of transformation and integration. 

I still invite my students to keep the symbols private, often painting them with Sumi on rice paper as they learn the Yantras (kanji and glyphs), then incorporating them into collage in their journals!

Medicine Basket 'pocket' and vision cards

One process that dovetails beautiful with Reiki is the Medicine basket - a process of using image and words to identify our gifts and interests! 

Some Medicine Basket inquiries are:

  • What will you be known for? 
  • What Healing tools & remedies do you offer? 
  • Who are your Beloveds?
  • What is in your medicine basket?

When I painted & collaged 'gifts' on my first Medicine basket image, I immediately saw this would be a lovely process to include in my upcoming Reiki 2 class! 

I invited the students to bring scrapbook materials or Quotes they might want to include, and supplied the composition books, Rice paper, ink, brushes, glue, scissors and collage ephemera.

Grounding and planning pages

Intentions and the symbols can be drawn on the cover with sharpie pens, before covering it with paper (a brown paper bag works well as a base!) Strips of your practice papers can be incorporated into the cover collage, or in backgrounds, inside the Journal. You can cover and paint over the symbols - their energy will remain!

Grounding and envelope for cards

I usually include a spread for grounding/ centering - tracing around my hands (or feet!) - oil pastels give a fun cool feel! 'Popcorn style' planning pages are another fun spread, putting splashes or bubbles in different colors on a spread, and writing your goals in each of them. 

I make pockets using envelopes from cards or junk mail, and glue them in (glue stick) then tuck a set of Reiki Principle cards and special blessings into them. 

Any time you wish to deepen with Reiki, your journal it's a great place to begin! Write, collage, sketch, doodle; look back through old entries for inspiration. 

Have you begun keeping a Reiki journal?


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