Clearing Trauma

 In a recent post in our virtual Reiki Community group, a practioner asked for tips on releasing trauma after giving a session, which triggered an old personal trauma. 

I seconded the suggestion of using EFT as a tool to clear their own trauma, and receiving Reiki and Acupuncture from those who feel safe and resonant. All my teachers have recommended receiving treatment from others when ill or under stress!

Borage - comfort and courage

I shared a practice learned in Lightwork: Before the session - envision a 'matching picture rose' between you and your client, assign it the task of absorbing and transmuting any of the same issues that might come up. See it's stem being well grounded (and ground yourself before the session *) ...

After the session, seperate your energy from your client, and observe 3 things in the room, then DISSOLVE the Rose! See it evaporate, taking all which it's  cleared with it.

If you have a saltlamp in your space, be sure to turn it on before your sessions, and invite its rosy light to clear any spent energy during sessions. 

Wash your hands with soap and warm water, then use cool water from the elbows down to rinse, releasing any residual processed energy. Go outside for a few minutes and take several deep, cleansing breaths. Beam Reiki Rainbows into your water before drinking it (and into your client's glass)

* Grounding: Before and after sessions, imagine your grounding cord to sink into Earth's core, going down as compost, then send down a new cord. 

For women, see the cord about tennis to softball size, going down from your Dan tien/ hara; men 3-4" in diameter, extending from your root chakra down. (check in to see what color is best just for today!) You can also imagine marble diameter cords from the center of each foot, rooting into the earth. 

When speaking with your client before and after the session, use a matching picture rose as well - and dissolve after that portion of your interaction (Three roses per session, before, during and after - more if needed!)

-- If you're not used to grounding, you may have a lot come up the first few times - allow yourself time to observe and release your reactions - one of my Lightwork teachers commented that she observed many healers go 'up and out' for info, and didn't really know how to ground themselves! 

Practice grounding outside by a favorite tree, and imagine your roots going down with theirs. You can stand, or sit with your back against the tree. - I sat with a large tree for over an hour following a Qigong workshop, moving a few feet, and seeing the 'view' from each location. 

Qigong cedar

I often practice qigong with this ceder by Willamette elementary, and love grounding with it. Reiki and Qigong are excellent tools for these practices, invite your guides to help refine the tools and practices that work for you!

After - Imagine stepping into a golden shower of Reiki infused light, which clears your aura, spirit and body. Let the drops from the shower sink into the earth as a blessing - and release your grounding cord, then allow a new cord to form (asking again - what color feels most resonant? Brown or green may be better after a session - but choose what works for you).

Room Clearing
After an intense session in our clinic - our LAc Lisa had a client with a medical emergency (patient was ok!) - I was invited to help her clear the room.  Lisa'd 'flung' the residual trauma into a corner of the wall between our rooms 'knowing you/ your space could handle it!' (she's also a Reiki practioner)... so we addressed that first - releasing it to the angels. 
She got fresh mint from the market nearby, and gently wiped the walls with that, and we used Reiki till the room felt clear. 

My old room

Lisa now offers sessions in my old treatment room, with its lavender walls 💜 (st Germaine's light of transmuting energy!) The corner behind the shelves is on the other side of where she flung the trauma till we could clear it. 

I share the room next door, a pale green 💚. There's selenite in asmall bag on the wall in each corner, and tourmaline above the door.

You can ground the whole room, when doing your Reiki blessing before sessions.  Envision its cord 'matching' the rooms diameter, and sinking into the earth, clear to the fiery core.  The color can harmonize with that of the floor or walls - cleck to see what feels best. After your session, check to see if that cord needs to be released and replaced.

Our Feng Shui practioner Gwynne suggests washing down the treatment room walls seasonally/ periodically, using a natural cleaning product with a pinch of salt in the water! 'Walls hold a lot of energy!' You can toss salt in the corners or set a salt bowl in the space for 24 hours, then sweep or vacuum, and toss outside.

What are some of your favorite practices before and after sessions?


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