Morning Prayer

 One of my favorite resources is * The Reiki Sourcebook,  published in 2003 by Bronwen and Frans Siene. 

A practice I include most days is the Morning Prayer (Sourcebook, p 239). Included among the 'Western techniques,' this practice comes from a Japanese teacher, Shingo Sakuma.

Offering the prayer, I like to go outside, stand on my front walk and face the East and rising sun. 

Clouds at sunrise

  • Hands in Gasshô, bow three times
  • Clap your hands 2 times - purifying the space around you
  • Repeat in Japanese or English three times: 
  • HARAE - TAMAE  (cleanse all)
  • KIYOME - TAMAE  (purify all)
  • MAMORI - TAMAE (protect all)
  • SAKIHAE - TAMAE (may all beings be happy)
  • The Sun's mantra (3x)
  • Make a personal wish/ names of those you're praying for
  • (3x)
  • KAMNAGARA - TAMACHI - HAEMASE (as the God wishes)
  • Gasshô - bow one time and give thanks. 
When i began this prayer practice, I wrote the Japanese words on a card, and used that as reference. I sometimes use the ASL sign for each of the blessings - Grace - Clean - protect - happy (I learned ASL in the late 70s, and often use it as a mnemonic tool)

-  You can also simply say, 'cleanse all, purify all, protect all, may all beings be happy!' 

* The Reiki Sourcebook is very well researched, and provides a comprehensive guide to the worlds of Japanese and Western Reiki. Some aspects were easy for the authors to access, others took much research and support from others. This is one of the best reference guides in my Reiki library. 

Information on the History, Timeline (beginning in 800 CE with the writing of the Japanese Buddhist precepts), scientific studies, techniques 'for self development and building energy flow,' taught in both Japan and the West, plus information on Reiki Branches make the Sourcebook an invaluable asset for students and teachers. 

You may feel complete with the practices offered by your teacher, or may wish to explore teachings from other Reiki traditions as you deepen with your own Reiki Practice.

Throughout this blog, I offer practices which resonate with me, and which I practice.  I'm happy to guide you through any of them. 

You can join me in the practice of offering a Reiki morning prayer with this recording on my YouTube channel


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