Reiki Intention Box

 There are may ways to 'send' Reiki over distance of space and time. For several years, one I've used is writing prayers, charging the with Reiki (sometimes drawing the symbols), and placing them in my Reiki box. I also invite friends and clients to write the prayers themselves. 

Reiki Box
The box can be folded from a card (here, I've the box for a chocolate bar), and decorated as you wish. For this one, I've used acrylics and mod podge on brown packing paper.
 Box and collage papers
To activate sending Reiki, use the techniques you've learned. 'Turn Reiki on,' draw the symbols, then focus energy on the Reiki Box. If you haven't taken Second degree, simple hold you box, and use your intention to Empower the healing.  Follow your instinct for how long and often to 'send' Reiki.' 
You could keep your Reiki Precept cards in this box as well. 
Blue crystal heart
I placed this blue crystal heart in my Reiki box, and will tuck the prayers under it. I occasionally do a Zen funeral with the papers in the box, & begin anew.

Do you have a favorite way to send Reiki/ prayer healing?


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