Practices: Gasshô

 There are many beautiful Reiki practices which can help us feel the energy - gasshô (Two hands together) is one of the simplest! You can do a longer meditation using the gasshô - this is one of the key daily practices of Japanese Reiki.

Light hands

Seishin toitsu - (unified mind)

  • Bring the hands up to Gassho (prayer) position
  • Focus on dan tien (hara)
  • Inhale and bring energy into your hands.
  • Exhale, and feel the energy move between your palms, along the arms and back to the dan tien. (5-30 minutes) 
  • Move your hands ~ 4" apart and sense the energy for a few breaths, then slowly being them together again
  • In Japan, they often recite (mentally) Waka - simple nature based poetry 'The moon - how beautiful it rises - flooding the fields with light'
  • If you have taken Reiki and know the 5 principles, recite them now (this video is helpful if you want to practice them in Japanese
  • Bring your hands to rest then on your heart or belly and absorb the energy.

Whilst doing Gasshô, you may feel your hands getting warm, and your body may vibrate with energy. Observe these as they happen. This meditation is an excellent preparation for the initiation/ attunement portion of class, and to continue to deepen with the energy afterwards.

Doing Gasshô at the beginning and end of sessions is a lovely way to center, and to acknowledge our friends and clients. 

How do you incorporate the Gassho into your practice?


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