
Showing posts from 2024

Chronic pain

  A recent inquiry in our Reiki Community group was on coping with one's own chronic pain. Takata's story of her healing journey offers a good example for healing from chronic issues. Takata received treatment at the Reiki clinic AND from Dr Medea's sister, Mrs Shimura, daily for 3 weeks, after which she felt better. She continued to receive treatments for 6 months, before beginning training. She became a student, learning and practicing for the next year, completing Okuden (what we now call 2nd degree) by the end of that time. (Reiki Sourcebook,  pp 144-45) My massage mentor Jeanne often said healing is like peeling an onion - the longer the issue has plagued you, the longer it's (likely) to take to heal - and we work on a layer of two at a time! She'd often tell a client, 'if its bothered you for several years, and you come regularly, it will likely take several months to notice a shift! But it is likely you'll feel better!' Reiki Journal & Sourc...

Amida Buddha is guiding

  In 1989, I went to a harp concert with the amazing Karen Bruner in January ... and met my Reiki master at a talk in the same room in September, 9 months later.  In the summer of 1991, two 1/2 years after first meeting Karen, I saw her at the NW Reiki gathering, "ah!! She does Reiki!! That explains it!" ... (The thread connecting her to my own Reiki journey - I'd just become a Master at that point) When I took 2nd degree in '89, I dropped the symbols into the drum I'd made, and brought with me - and in 1993, when I got my first harp, dropped them into her!  Drums and Native American Flute Before 'finding' Reiki, I was 'waiting' for a book, and would visit a certain isle at Powell's City of Books, hoping it was be there ... this went on for at least a year. (Powell's was an hour away in those days - longer now with more traffic)  I'd go to the section with tomes on Tai Chi/ Qigong (which I began learning in 1983) and other movement a...

Journal - Apothecary vessels

  One of my favorite protects is to create Juju Journals and Smashbooks!  Whilst in the Color of Woman teacher training, our Red Thread SiStar  Catt Geller  wanted an option suitable for participants in recovery and low-income. She thought of using simple composition books - and  Cosmic Smashbooks  were born! Catt introduced ed a Smashbooking as a way to document and process during Color of Woman.  After my own graduation in 2015, I corresponded with Catt, and was granted permission to teach local classes for several years, before she began  her certification program.  I offer a simple journal making process in my Reiki 2 classes, inviting students to document their Reiki experiences. In these 'Good Medicine journals,' we used Apothecary vessels to transform  old stories  into  remedies .  Reiki 2 Good Medicine journals Composition books - inexpensive and readily available - provide a simple foundation for Journaling using...

Reiki Intention Box

  There are may ways to 'send' Reiki over distance of space and time. For several years , one I've used is writing prayers,  charging the with Reiki (sometimes drawing the symbols), and placing them in my Reiki box. I also invite friends and clients to write the prayers themselves.  Reiki Box The box can be folded from a card (here, I've the box for a chocolate bar) , and decorated as you wish. For this one, I've used acrylics and mod podge on brown packing paper.  Box and collage papers To  activate sending Reiki,  use the techniques you've learned. 'Turn Reiki on, ' draw the symbols, then focus energy on the Reiki Box. If you haven't taken Second degree, simple hold you box, and use your intention to Empower the healing.  Follow your instinct for how long and often to 'send' Reiki.'  You could keep your Reiki Precept cards in this box as well.  Blue crystal heart I placed this blue crystal heart in my Reiki box, and will tuck the pray...

Challenge recap

 I am so grateful I gave myself this opportunity to deepen with my own Reiki Practice over the last 3 weeks. I committed to just 14 days, then extended to the full 21 days integration period suggested to our students! And am inspired to consciously continue practicing Reiki daily!  During the past three weeks, I did self Reiki and one or more chi practice daily, wrote about Reiki, joined the Reiki Summit (what great timing!) , and met with a sister master about offering Reiki circles.  Here's a recap of the topics - I've grouped them into 'families' and added a few older posts you may find helpful.  Reiki 1 - Reiki and Massage   Reiki for self - recharge - holding space Challenge - renewal - gaining experience Preparing for sessions - home care Reiki + EFT - Trauma - grounding Practices : Gasshô - morning prayer   Moving chi  - Practical Reiki Reiki 2  - journal Symbols : Mental emotional Distant Reiki  - power May these practices ...

Preparing for sessions

  A recent inquiry in the Reiki Community group was around how folks use the symbols in their sesions. My practice is inviting Reiki to infuse my day - to Be Reiki.  I set my intention for the space to be nurturing and healing before the client enters.  My sessions are primarily Reiki infused massage, and I use tuning forks and other modalities in some sessions.  Glyph for Dragon I currently share a room with  another LMT, who's placed selenite crystals in wee bags in each corner, and tourmaline above the door. I brought in a salt lamp - energy is cleared 'automatically' each day.  I 'smudge' the room and bless table with the power symbol periodically, or blow cinnamon on the door.  Entering : I  plug in the salt lamp, turn on the table warmer, and circle the room, as I put linens on the massage/ Reiki table.  I may do Qigong or the  Hatsurei-Ho  if I want to connect more strongly with Qi, and infuse the room and myself with more e...

Mental Emotional

  We  learn the Mental Emotional symbol (SHK) and its uses in the second degree classes - but may not be sure how to include it in treatments. I was taught to draw the symbol once (yantra), and chant its name 3 times (mantra) - and not to share these with folks not initiated to their use.  First - draw each symbol the way you remember it! (They are aids - and the guides know wheat you intend!) My Master Analyse told us she was happy to help someone refresh with a symbol - and always invites them to draw   it 'their way'  for her first.  Then she helps them fine tune. A couple of my favorite ways to practice the symbols are painting them on rice paper, or drawing them with a stick in the sand, and wipe them away. I love using sumi (ink, inkstone and bush), as Dr Maeda used when he wrote to Hayashi for Mrs Takata - you'll see why, as you grind the ink! Then I tear the paper, and use it in collage, with just a bit peeking through.  The mental emotional...

Reiki 2

  When I took First Degree Reiki in 1989, I knew I wanted to continue with the trainings, and eventually, to open the Reiki door for others . The next step on the path to Mastery the Second level, or Okuden . A year later, I was able to take that step.  Some time ago, my  ᏦᏍᏓᏓᎸ (tso-s-da-da-lv /  Sister)  in Reiki, Sheila King , wrote: 'Going deeply into your heart           Going deeply into your healing                     Opening yourself to the light ... 'The Japanese word Okuden means 'the Deeper knowledge'. To take Second degree Reiki means to open to deeper levels of Reiki and to yourself. Reiki on all levels is like  light in our lives, shining in all the dark corners, bringing us into alignment with our Higher Selves.  'First degree is like a flashlight shining within us. As we complete the shifting this illumination brings, we are ready to welcome the brighter stronger...

Moving Chi

   Some of my joys when I lived and worked at Breitenbush Hot Springs were going to sleep to the song of the river, being fed lovely organic meals, and walking everywhere!  My daily commute was across the footbridge, to the 30s style wooden cabin where we offered massage, Reiki, and a mineral water soak and wrap.   Prayer flags in the woods Then options included heading to the dining hall for meals, to the sauna or one of the mineral pools for a steam or soak, to the Sanctuary for a daily well being session, to the lodge for a visit, or the trails for a hike - all of these accessed on foot! I got good boots, rain hat and warm coat - and I was set! (With geothermal lines under the paths,  those melted first when we had snow.  That first winter, our Events Coordinator asked another practioner and me to offer Tai Chi as well-being classes for our holiday guests. I came to his session for ideas, as I'd not taught yet, and was used to doing a complete form ...


  Before taking Lightwork with Amorah Quan Yin in the mid 90s, she asked that we prepare by working on grounding and setting our Aura 'Bubble' for a couple of months before coming to the retreat.  Shining star - 2017 She commented that asked noticed massage therapists and other healers often forget/ don't know how to consistently ground, and it was important for us to learn! This also is a good practice to deepen with prior to Reiki training.  Well! I could certainly relate to not always feeling grounded, even with my massage, Qigong and Reiki practices!  Learning to ground ourselves is an important facet of self care, and for working with others.  Amorah suggested women imagine our grounding cord the size of a tennis ball at first, and later, a softball or larger.  Invite the cord to drop from the belly/tan tien to the core of the earth. For men, begin with the smaller cord, sinking directly from the root chakra. Allow some time to experiment with differe...

Reiki and Massage

  When I took first Degree Reiki, I'd been licensed and practicing massage for 6 years. It was  1989, and I didn't know anyone besides my teacher and classmate who did Reiki, and not long after our class, they moved out of state!  Reiki Altar Over the next 6 months, I practiced on myself and family, weaving little bits of Reiki into my massage sessions.  Then in the spring, I met another practioner at an event and discovered she was also an LMT, so  we began trading sessions!  Janelle lived in the larger metro area, so charged more for her sessions. For my sessions,  I asked her to integrate both massage and Reiki. This helped give me ideas and tools for my own practice.  I offered her our longer 'The Works' - sessions which included a steam wrap and facial using natural products, along with the massage. Rather than leaving the room during the wrap, I offeredReiki through the hot towels (~ 20 minutes). We each felt We were getting the best par...

Gaining experience

 At the end of our recent Reiki 1 class, our hostess offered the treatment room as a place to practice with other students, and offered to exchange sessions.  We practiced the positions for head, then chest front and back, in the seperate sessions, and I encouraged them to do self Reiki, and practice on family and pets.  Sometimes, students don't have much practice time in class, which may cause them to feel they aren't fully prepared! On a couple of our calls in 2017, Phyllis Furumoto commented we each choose our path, and we each take on what we need in the moment.  NW Reiki gathering at Menucha   This summer I attended the 40th NW Reiki gathering at Menucha center on the Columbia river, and time was offered daily for Reiki exchanges, with 3-5 people at each treatment table. There were brand new Reiki 1 practioners, and Masters who've practiced for decades - all were glad to give and receive! Anneli Twan - a Master for 40 years We heard stories, enjoyed the ab...

Clearing Trauma

  In a recent post in our virtual Reiki Community group, a practioner asked for tips on releasing trauma after giving a session, which triggered an old personal trauma.  I seconded the suggestion of using EFT as a tool to clear their own trauma, and receiving Reiki and Acupuncture from those who feel safe and resonant. All my teachers have recommended receiving treatment from others when ill or under stress! Borage - comfort and courage I shared a practice learned in Lightwork: Before the session - envision a ' matching picture rose' between you and your client, assign it the task of absorbing and transmuting any of the same issues that might come up. See it's stem being well grounded (and ground yourself before the session *) ... After the session, seperate your energy from your client, and observe 3 things in the room, then DISSOLVE the Rose! See it evaporate, taking all which it's  cleared with it. If you have a saltlamp in your space, be sure to turn it on be...

Reiki journal

  Following my initiation as a Reiki Master in 1991, I began keeping a Reiki journal in a simple blank book. I wrote about my Reiki experiences, thoughts on integrating the principles, and ideas about teaching classes.  In 2015, I enrolled in a 9 month program for teaching process and intention focused creativity, and created Juju Journals, using composition books as the base, early on. Like my Reiki Journal, we could write in these, or glue a couple of pages together and use paint (inexpensive acrylic is fine) or collage for process pages.  During the course, we were invited to explore how the creative processes might support our own Soulwork, and l thought of my Reiki students! Reiki Students Creating Journal covers When I took Second Degree Reiki in 1990, we first learned the three symbols, and then (gulp!) burned the papers!! Scary, but also empowering ! Our workshop was at the coast, & that night I danced the symbols under the stars - WOW! With Intentional Creati...

Reiki Renewal

 I recently joined a  Reiki Community group on FB - this is a great resource for both those newly initiated and for long time practioners! I found a few of the posts very poignant, with one member writing that she hasn't practiced for about 12 years, since losing a family member whom she treated regularly!  She commented that she feels that she's lost her connection to Reiki, and wonders if she needs to be reinitiated? I responsed, 'one of the best ways I know to reconnect, is to start with self Reiki - 20 minutes to an hour daily!' Star gourd Since she's taken both levels 1 and 2, she might include the M/E (Mental emotional) treatment some days, with one hand the forehead/ crown, and one on the back of the head, affirming 'I am ready to reconnect with Reiki!' (10-15 minutes). (This can also be done without the M/E symbol!)  It might be very helpful to practice the heart activation, affirming love of the family member, and letting go of any grief at their...

Tools - EFT and Reiki

 Have you tried  EFT ?  This energy meridian therapy, which involves tapping on a series of meridian points, is an excellent modality! It's very effective on its own, and a wonderful compliment to Reiki. In EFT, points on the upper body (head, chest and hands) are tapped in a specific pattern - often as you repeat an affirmative phrase.  Several years ago, I enrolled in online EFT courses with  Graham Nichols , and I enjoy occasional group sessions with a local practitioner.  In a conference call, Graham suggested we choose a couple of positive characteristics, and tap on them morning and evening for the next 14-28 days. This is a lovely 'next step' following our 14 day Reiki challenge! Some possibilities: Ease and Well-being Love and respect Love and forgiveness Joy and gratitude Confidence and excitement Comfort and balance in times of sorrow Some wonder if combining Reiki and EFT might result in "too much" energy ...  on the contrary , I feel they ...

Holding Space

 Recently in a social media group for massage therapists, the administrator asked the practioners to share ways they keep pre-session anxiety to a minimum.  In my early years of offerings seasons, I struggled more with this, and was often stressed! Now, I tend to arrive 10-20 minutes before my first session, to set the room, and ground into the space.  And - I invoke the Time Angels ! My Reiki friend Anita and I began working with these timely helpers in the mid 90s, as we 'hurried ' to get to a Reiki Circle 'on time' - they seem always willing to help!  Treatment room I've practiced Reiki for 35 of my 40 years offering massage, and Reiki clicks in as soon as I enter my treatment space. I keep a salt lamp in the room and plug it in when I arrive, increasing the negative ions in the room.  Salt lamp After sessions, my mentor Jeanne taught us to wash with warm water for sanitation, then rinse with cold water (elbows down) to disconnect from our client's energy...

Morning Prayer

  One of my favorite resources is * The Reiki Sourcebook ,  published in 2003 by Bronwen and Frans Siene.  A practice I include most days is the Morning Prayer ( Sourcebook, p 239) . Included among the 'Western techniques,' this practice comes from a Japanese teacher, Shingo Sakuma. Offering the prayer, I like to go outside, stand on my front walk and face the East and rising sun.  Clouds at sunrise Hands in Gasshô , bow three times Clap your hands 2 times - purifying the space around you Repeat in Japanese or English three times:  HARAE - TAMAE  (cleanse all) KIYOME -  TAMAE  (purify all) MAMORI -  TAMAE (protect all) SAKIHAE -  TAMAE (may all beings be happy) The Sun's mantra (3x) A-ME-TE-RA-SU OO MI-KAMI Make a personal wish/ names of those you're praying for (3x) KAMNAGARA - TAMACHI - HAEMASE (as the God wishes) Gasshô - bow one time and give thanks.  When i began this prayer practice, I wrote the Japanese words on a card, an...