
Showing posts from October, 2024


 Mrs Takata often told her students 'Hands on, Reiki on!' - emphasising how simple it is to connect with Reiki.  I liken doing a Reiki to charging a battery, if a battery is low, when you attach it to a charger, it 'draws' the energy it needs through the cord or jumper cables. When you take it off the charger, it no longer draws energy. Denise Linn - 'Flow ' When we place our 'Reiki Charged' hands on someone, they draw the energy through us - 'Hands on, Reiki on!' When we remove our hands, they no longer 'draw' energy.  Mrs Takata also suggested eating simple food, full of vitality, in the hospital, she likely received simple Japanese fare - rice, steamed vegetables, Miso soup, fresh water & green tea. Think of what will help you recharge!  Preparing for Initiation, and integrating afterwards, students are encouraged to eat consciously, healthy fresh food where possible. To drink a bit more water (which helps our human batteries re...

Practices: Gasshô

  There are many beautiful Reiki practices which can help us feel the energy -  gasshô   (Two hands together) is one of the simplest! You can do a longer meditation using the gasshô - this is one of the key daily practices of Japanese Reiki. Light hands Seishin toitsu - (unified mind) Bring the hands up to Gassho (prayer) position Focus on dan tien (hara) Inhale and bring energy into your hands. Exhale, and feel the energy move between your palms, along the arms and back to the dan tien. (5-30 minutes)   Move your hands ~ 4" apart and sense the energy for a few breaths, then slowly being them together again In Japan, they often recite (mentally) Waka - simple nature based poetry 'The moon - how beautiful it rises - flooding the fields with light' If you have taken Reiki and know the 5 principles, recite them now ( this video is helpful if you want to practice them in Japanese Bring your hands to rest then on your heart or belly and absorb the energy. Whilst doing...

Fourteen Day Challenge

 Following our weekend Reiki 1 class, I've decided to do a personal 14 day Reiki challenge .  As I revisited my Reiki journals, I was reminded of previous challenges I've done, and they are  a lovely way to refresh and recharge our energy.  It's 35 years since I took first Degree Reiki, and  that first day, our teacher Analyse invited us to go to sleep with one hand on our heart, and one on our belly. This is one of the simplest self-Reiki forms.  Reiki journal I began a page in my Reiki Journal, to track my Reiki sessions and practices.  I plan to choose a session and one or two practices daily. I do a morning blessing most days (Cherokee and a Reiki morning meditation/ blessing.  Self Reiki options: B : Basic self Reiki (~ 45 minutes  C : Chakra treatment (~ 30 minutes G : Gasshô practice (12- 15 minutes H : Hatsurei-Ho   (meditation - 12 minutes Practices and self care There are many practices that we can use to support our Reiki jo...

Daily Reiki - for the self first

 When she began teaching Reiki in the 1930s, lineage bearer Hawayo Takata invited her students to practice Reiki 'for the self first' - and ideally, every day! Igniting the spark Like Takata, teachers invite their students to practice self-Reiki for 21 days following each class, as they begin to integrate their Reiki lifeway. Takata's granddaughter Phyllis Lei Furumoto recommended doing self Reiki daily , receiving a session weekly , and scheduling 1/2 day of self care and Reiki monthly .  East Coast Master Pamela Miles also stresses the importance of developing a daily  Self-Reiki practice . Pamela commented she doesn't offer certificates, but she does invite her students to follow her lead on practicing daily self-Reiki. Her inquiry of any Reiki student or practitioner experiencing problems is,  'Do you practice Daily Self Reiki?' My Master Analise suggested we fall asleep with one hand on our belly & one on our heart. Other masters suggest alternating b...

Reiki for the Home

As I prepare for tomorrow Reiki class, I'm thinking about different practices and uses for Reiki. Including Reiki in trending your home is simple and effective.  A tip that comes from Amanda Gibby Peters of Simple Shui is to use salt for an, " everyday, any situation cleanse. You simply leave a small bowl of (sea or Himalayan) salt out for 24 hours."  Salt and NW Reiki gathering stone At 24 hours, dispose of the salt outside in the dirt or trash - whatever makes the most sense for you. You will feel brighter and lighter immediately! The salt collects stagnant / negative energy, and 'gremlins' so it's important to take that next step and toss it out!  Infuse your broom with Reiki and cinnamon Like smudging, you can bless a space with Reiki. One of Hawayo Takata's stories was of touching and blessing the walls of her Reiki House, as it was under construction. I did this with Rose Cottage, plus several Feng Shui practices. Put a bit of cinnamon essential oi...

Practical Reiki

 The Reiki precepts begin  kyo dake wa , just for today ... I love the concept that we become the jumper cables for the energy - it flows through, not from us. When we have Reiki, we can invite the energy to flow into our activities and interactions throughout each day.  Morning bowl While Mrs Takata awaited surgery in Dr Maeda's hospital in Tokyo, each meal prepared by the doctor's sister, the dietician, was  blessed with Reiki : green tea, Rice, beans, steamed vegetables (especially carrots & beets), seaweed.  As she learned Reiki herself, Mrs Takata blessed her own food and drink, and later recommended that her students do the same. Teachers in many traditions suggest blessing what we serve and ingest, when we do this daily, it soon becomes second nature. We can also use Reiki around the home: set up an altar hold seeds or herbs a minute before we plant them bless a craft project we're working on sweep the floor whilst talking with a friend or on the phon...