Reiki and MAP

 In the early 90s, I began making flower essences shortly after joining the Healing Arts Team at Breitenbush Hot Springs and becoming a Reiki Master. 

One of my books on essences was Machaelle Small Wright's. I'd been gardening co-creatively with Nature since reading about Findhorn in the 80s, and later discovered Machaelle's Garden Workbook. When she published her Medical Assistance Program (MAP), I got her initial handouts, then the book.

Petunia - creative visionary

With this program (developed from her work with Devas and nature spirits, Machaelle began to work with a "team" for personal health - both physical and mental/emotional. It dovetails beautifully with energy work including Reiki and etheric healing, tuning forks and lightweaving, and during sessions received from other healers.

The team includes:

  1. PAN (the CEO of nature) 
  2. Great White Brotherhood (Ascended Masters, including Motherr Mary and Christos, and the Reiki guides)
  3. Deva of Healing (and possibly the Deva for the land you're on)
  4. Your Higher Self

Set up in a comfortable place, often lying down, and invite your Team to work with you (on your own, or in conjunction with other healers) generally for a set period of around an hour. You can do self Reiki during this session, following your intuition. 

Test for flower essences before and after the session (and during if so guided) At the end of the time, thank them and release the "coning.' This is a good time to record impressions and insights in your Reiki Journal.

You can Ask for the name of your team for future sessions. For an acute issue, you can leave the coning open for a longer time. A sweet addition: visualize journeying to a Temple of Healing for your sessions. 

You can also do group work work within a coning, with each person including their own higher self. Invite the Deva overlighting the land you're on (or each person's land, if you're on a conference call.) My friend Anita lived near Findhorn for a year, and taught our Reiki Circle to use a similar method for group meetings. 

I had begun working with MAP when I slipped on wet stairs, and likely cracked a few ribs!! Even though I had insurance, and several of our private (retreat center) medical team were my Reiki students .. I worked with poultices, flower essences and my MAP team ...(clay cut the pain immediately, and I had homeopathic Arnica)

A psychic later told me she noticed me gimping along, not moving with my usual dancer Grace and lightness ... Juliet thought of offering healing (she was initiated in Reiki 1 by Takata!) - but saw my house surrounded by angels, and received the message I "didn't want other help at the moment!" (A couple of my Reiki students did give me sessions) ... 💖🌹💜

Healing Temple

A practioneer who took the DVD workshop on using MAP wrote, "Use your MAP session as an exploration of  what you are feeling and experiencing around an issue. The MAP team can only "work" with what one is conscious of, and the exploration can help us become more aware of what's going on around an issue - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. ... Using essences (with the session) can be helpful in gaining and maintaining balance."

She commented she found using a MAP-based coning while giving Reiki treatment supports and deepens the Reiki practice. When using MAP with others, invite their Higher self, not your own, for the 4th component of your coning, and remember to thank your team and release the coning at the end of the session. 

- Shortly after beginning to use MAP personally, I began using it professionally, and had several clients who were also familiar with the practice. We were excited to include MAP  in their sessions, and to compare notes afterwards.

You can use Professional MAP in your sessions and work with clients in any capacity! After you've worked your personal team for awhile, and are comfortable with the process, open a conning with your own Higher Self and your Professional Team. Request a name for your Professional MAP Team, and use a journal for your notes. You can request information and insights on how to best include MAP on your practice.

I'd love to hear if you decide to use MAP as part of your practice!


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