Reiki and the Red Thread

 While studying to become an Intentional Creativity teacher and coach in 2015, one of our assignments was to offer Red Thread Circles and events. I included a simple circle as part of a 1st Degree Reiki class, and we created Reiki journals in 2nd Degree - the students loved them!

My teacher Maestra Shiloh Sophia invited me to consider the connections between Reiki and the IC teachings, "I know there are connections, explore what they are."

A Chinese legend tells that we are connected before birth with those whom we're destined to meet by an invisible Red Thread. Through out our lives, the thread may twist, stretch and tangle, but will never break.

We each hold, and are responsible for a unique piece of this thread.

Sharing Red Thread

With Reiki, we often feel the resonance of connection when we meet other  Reiki practitioners, or first connect with our Master. The teachings and practices of Intentional Creativity® and Reiki support each other in a beautiful way. Over the last five years, I've formulated a Red Thread Reiki curriculum designed to support practitioners on their journey.

Some of the Red Thread Reiki teachings are  included in my classes, others may be taken separately. Most are suitable for anyone, whether they've studied Reiki or not. 

These Circles include a check in, Meditation with self Reiki, and a simple creative project - no artistic ability necessary - really! Creativity is an innate gift inherent in being human, and becoming aware of ourselves as creative beings helps us be present.

The pieces we create are imbued with Reiki energy, and can be used personally or gifted to others. Most circles are open to both Reiki Practitioners and those interested in healing.

  • Reiki Principle Prayer flags 
  • Soul Compass cards - rewrite old stories
  • Blessing Box - for your Reiki Prayer requests
  • Medicine Basket - what are your special tools and gifts?
  • Personal symbol - use Metacognative drawing to unlock your unique healing symbol
  • Reiki Journal - cover, process pages
  • Finger labyrinth
  • Symbol practice * Reiki 2 and 3 practitioners
Rosy Reiki cottage
Intentional Painting Classes especially suited for Reiki Practitioners:

  • Medicine Painting - turn tragedies into remedies 
  • Reiki Guide (watercolor paper or canvas) 
  • Soul Spark 
  • Healing Temple
Have questions? You'd like to work with me in person or virtually, you find information about these sessions and my Reiki classes on my website.
You're invited to contact me - I look forward to our journey together on the Reiki Path.


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