Coaching, Creativity, and Reiki

  • Do you struggle to create harmony between your obligations and personal time?
  • Do you often run out of juice before you run out of day?
  • Do old stories run your life?
  • Are you exploring how to bring more creativity, joy and passion into your life?
  • Do your actions and use of time/resources align with your values?

When we combine Reiki with coaching, and add a dash of creativity, Magïc happens!
Coaching within the Spiral assists as you integrate your current practices, open to new possibilities, and refine your goals.
Reiki reduces stress, supports relaxation, rejuvenation, and a return to wholeness. It heightens one's ability to connect with others in a deeper, more compassionate way. 

Coaching is a collaborative partnership, fostering positive change, and creating with intention supports shifts that last. Adding Intentional Creativity projects puts the shifts into palpable form.

The gentle energy of Reiki is an ideal complement to coaching. Blending Reiki, Creativity and coaching bring fluidity to the process of tapping the body's wisdom, allowing one to identify and transform limiting beliefs, and open to new ideas and goals. Each experience of coaching with Reiki and Creativity will be unique, with sessions customized to meet individual needs. 
Common benefits include:
  • Relaxation and rejuvenation
  • Enhanced clarity and sense of purpose
  • Releasing old stories which "run the show"
  • Self awareness and affirmation
  • Insights spark creativity
  • Clearer perspective
  • Identifying and implementing ones next steps 
Coaching within the Reiki Spiral draws upon intuition, asking the right questions, and accessing insights for each client.  It is effective both in person with touch, or through remote sessions; the harmonious energy passes between the coach and the client as we interact.  Reiki allows that energy to flow freely, while coaching and the creative practices help each client recognize and act upon their insights, for greater success. 
Throughout my career as a Massage therapist and Reiki Master, I've encouraged my clients to rethink their toxic affirmations, and write new stories. Including creative practices helps energize these antidotes. Offering tools for lasting change is one of my greatest joys.


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