Reiki Circle

 Mrs Takata encouraged her students to practice "Reiki for the self first!" before treating others.  When we're new students, we are excited and inspired to practice self Reiki daily, but as time passes, we may fall away. 

Attending a Reiki circle is a lovely way to connect with the energy and other practioners. 

Green Dragon
On Tuesday, we hosted a Reiki circle in the lovely office where I've begun teaching, and were delighted to be joined by 4 'Reiki Peeps.' After brief introductions and settling in, we Circled up, and led several practices. 

Gasshô - place two palms together, which brings balance to mind and body

Recite the Precepts (English or Japanese)
For today only:
Do not anger 
Do not worry 
Be humble / grateful
Be honest in your work 
Be compassionate to yourself and others

Kenyoko Hô - dry bathing / brushing 
(Purify Body, heart and mind - often used before and after practice) 
This practice includes Byôsen - scanning to sense for imbalances - in this case, our own body. 

Hands are just off the body:
  • Rt hand on L shoulder (Inhale), sweep across to the Rt hip (Exhale as you sweep)
  • L hand on Rt shoulder - sweep
  • Rt hand on L shoulder - sweep
  • L arm in front - palm up - cup Rt hand over L bicep in a C shape - sweep down arm (Exhale as you sweep
  • Repeat with Rt, then again the L arm
  • Gasshô to give thanks
Quick - go through the same sequence quickly
Mental: close your eyes, hands over dan-tien (belly) - direct your eyes to your left shoulder and ‘sweep’ with your eyes, in the same sequence.

Hatsurei-Hô (generate spiritual energy)
You can follow the dry bathing by raising your arms in a funnel shape, and imagine yourself bathed in Reiki. 
Lower your hands to lap, palms up
With each Inhale, feel the energy entering your nose, and going down to the dan-tien (hara)
With Exhale, expand the energy through your skin, and into your field.

An allied Qigong practice: With the inhale, you can imagine swallowing the glowing tip of an incense stick, and the little lights going into your Dan-tien like fireflies of energy. 
Exhale: let this sparkly light energy fill your field (5 minutes +
Gasshô - recite the precepts and give thanks

Part 2 - sending in a circle
Karen led this part - inviting us to join hands as we sat in the Circle, thumbs left (left hand,  palm up, right hand palm down.) This meditative practice lasted perhaps 10 minutes - the chairs had arms that provided support!

Part 3 - After a brief sharing, several paired up to exchange brief treatments. I led a circle with 2 others in a simple Self-Reiki sequence. 

Head positions focus on the mind; ‘once it's calm and balanced, the rest of the body naturally returns to its original state.
Each position can be held for 3 breaths, or 3-5 minutes. Move one hand, then the second. Pressure is firm and gentle

Head You can recite the precepts at the head, the heart, and again at the belly. These three areas are called the three diamonds in chi practice. 
  • Palm the eyes (cupped palms) (position 1)
  • Both temples (fingers point up to top of head) (2)
  • L hand to back of head/ occiput, Rt hand to crown (3)
  • Throat, little fingers near collarbone (4)
  • Heart/ lungs (5)
  • Solar plexus /liver + spleen (6)
  • Dan-tien / hara - thumbs in navel L hand over belly, Rt on top (7)
Stay longer at any point if you wish/ felt an area which needed more attention during the scan. 
Slowly open your eyes, and give thanks - Gasshô 

Like the sweeps - the whole treatment sequence can be done with your mind!  Rest your hands on your Dan-tien and mentally go through the treatment flow!
You can add other areas as you wish - let Reiki teach you!. 

There are as many options for how we share Reiki as there are practioners! In the mid 90s, we had a regular circle at a student's home, and spent more time giving and receiving, with several people at each table. It's a simple yet potent experience. 

Have you attended a circle or practiced self Reiki recently?


  1. I have heard of Reiki but have never experienced it.

    1. Welcome!
      I hope you have the opportunity experience it!
      I took my Reiki class a few weeks after hearing about it in a talk on Astrology and the 'wounded healer' (asteroid / small planet Chiron).
      And - i had *known* there was 'something more we could do' all my life,' and was delighted to finally discover a modality available to anyone!
      So grateful!

  2. I actually went through the first exercise as I read the words! And while I am not sure if I did it right, it gave me pause and a much-needed break from everything around me... Thank you.

    1. Thank you - and that's lovely - you're welcome!!
      Both of these practices are older than Reiki - and they bring me peace as well!!


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