Preparing for Class

 Before taking a Reiki class or other energy training, it can helpful to spend time the week before in preparation.  This 'sets the stage' for receiving and integrating the energy and teachings. 

A favorite reference, The Reiki Sourcebook notes, 'Reiki re-aligns one with one's true path, source and spirit.'  What we do before and after the class and attunements facilitates that realignment! 

We can also Deepen with Reiki at any time, on our own or with other practioners.  Some of my favorite experiences have been sharing time with others attuned to Reiki during 'chance' meetings or more formal Reiki shares. 


  • It's ideal to receive a Reiki session the week prior to initiation.

  • Eat consciously - whole local foods when possible

  • Drink extra water, rest as needed

  • Limit use of alcohol, coffee, any drugs (take your usual prescriptions!)

  • Note synchronicities, dreams, and insights

  • Incorporate some gentle, energy enhancing movement

  • If you meditate, invite Reiki to be with you as you prepare

  • Jot notes, ideas and questions in your journal

A meditation taught by Usui and still practiced in several Japanese Reiki branches is the Hatsurei Ho - used to generate spiritual energy (Hatsu - to generate, Rei - spirit, Ho - method.) (Reiki Sourcebook p 198-200)
This meditation includes several elements, which can be practiced separately or in combination. Hatsurei-Ho is often practiced both morning and evening, for 12 minutes up to an hour.
Any of the segments can be practiced seperately. Kenyoku Ho - Dry brushing - is a helpful way to clear energy before and after sessions, especially when you don't have water available for washing your hands and forearms! 

Sit Seiza, cross legged, or in a chair.

(Kenyoku Ho - dry brush method)

  • 1) Right hand to Left shoulder - Exhale and brush diagonally to Rt hip 
  • Inhale - Left hand to Rt Shoulder - Exhale and brush diagonally to Left hip
  • Right hand to left shoulder and brush to Left hip
  • 2) Extend left arm at shoulder height - Right hand to left shoulder - with exhale, brush to Left hand
  • Repeat with Right arm, brush to hand, then Left arm, brush to hand

  • Another option for part 2 - keep elbows at your side, hand palm up, and brush down your forearms and off your hands (L, Rt, L)

(Meiso Ho - meditation method)

  • Reach your hands up to the sky, palms up, forming a funnel shape
  • Take several breaths as you feel connection with Reiki (if you have 2nd degree, imagine yourself inside the M/E  symbol, with Mastery, inside the DKO)
  • Slowly lower your hands, facing your body and let them rest, palm up, on your legs

(Joshin Kokyu Ho - pure mind breath method)

  • Hands on legs, Palms up, feel the energy in your body, coming in through the nose and moving down to the dan tien/hara, filling you with energy. (Allow your body to vibrate naturally)
  • Exhale and feel the energy moving out through your skin, expanding out into the room
  • Imagine your breath as light shining in and around you 
  • Continue to breathe and imagine the energy and light, Radiate white/gold light (5-30 minutes)
Reiki precepts

(Seishin toitsu - unified mind)

  • Bring the hands up to Gassho (prayer) position
  • Focus on dan tien (hara)
  • Inhale and bring energy into your hands.
  • Exhale, and feel the energy move between your palms, along the arms and back to the dan tien. (5-30 minutes) 
  • In Japan, they often recite (mentally) Waka - simple nature based poetry 'The moon - how beautiful it rises - flooding the fields with light'
  • If you have taken Reiki and know the 5 principles, recite them now (this video is helpful if you want to practice them in Japanese.
  • Lower hands, shake out, and complete.

You may feel your hands getting warm, and your body may vibrate with energy. Observe these as they happen. This meditation is an excellent preparation for the initiation/ attunement portion of class, and to continue to deepen with the energy afterwards.

If you have already taken Reiki 1, your preparation might also include daily self Reiki, blessing you food, reciting the 5 precepts, and offering a Reiki session to a friend or pet. 

If you've done Reiki 2, then add spending time with your Reiki journal, giving yourself at least one Mental/emotional treatment, clearing your home with Reiki, and sending a distant treatment. 

Blessings as you prepare to deepen with Reiki!


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