Setting space

  Recently, I binge watched sessions with Simple Shui maven Amanda Gibby Peters, and love her simple tips for incorporating Feng Shui into our daily lives! I've long been interested in Feng Shui, had a consultation for my treatment room, and have taken several mini workshops.


First and foremost for harmonizing energy is editing our space (i.e. clearing clutter!) to reflect current interests and activities.  The longer we occupy a space, the more we can accumulate - clutter clearing isn't a 'once and done' activity, but something to be incorporated into our daily/ weekly tasks! 

One of Amanda's Simple Shui tips is to use salt for an, "everyday, any situation cleanse.  You simply leave a small bowl of (sea or Himalayan) salt out for 24 hours. At 24 hours, dispose of it outside in the dirt or trash - whatever makes the most sense for you. You will feel brighter and lighter immediately." 

As I'm currently in process of preparing my home for sale (!!) and pruning my possessions, I love finding simple tools that can help the process! 

Amanda suggests placing a small bowl on each floor - so I used salt in a votive holder downstairs, and a shell on my upstairs altar.  I dutifully dumped both vessels the following evening, and was intrigued to have a call about my house while they were still 'in process!!' 

One of my local practioners suggested sprinkling salt in corners (which allow Chi to stagnate) and then sweeping it up the next day. The salt collects stagnant / negative energy, and 'gremlins' so it's important to take that next step and toss it out! 

I also set my salt candle holder outside for a couple of days to clear it. I have a salt light at my office which helps clear that space. 

  • Set your intention for the clearing - focus on how you'd like your space to feel. 
  • Invite the assistance of your guides, allies, angels. Include Reiki (or other energy modalities) to clear and infuse the room/ space with good Chi. 
  • After doing a clearing, add a bit of salt to your bath water  -- I like to soak in Epsom salts, and add baking soda with borax (1 Tbsp borax to 1 C baking soda, use one handfull of the mix to 2 handfuls of Epsom salts.) And essential oils if you wish.
  • Stay hydrated, especially while cleaning and purging! Take a pinch of salt before sipping water - this makes the cells more receptive!
Other ways salt and other household items can be used for clearing:
  • Dissolve some salt in hot water, and use with your favorite natural cleaning agent to wash doors, surfaces and windows.  (This can be done spring and fall, more often as needed)
  • During my Feng Shui consultation, Gwynne Warner  recommended washing the walls in my treatment room with a bit of salt and essential oil in the water. 
  • A salt bowl could be used in treatment rooms, and discarded at the end of the day.  
  • Once following an intense session in her room, the acupuncturist in our clinic got fresh mint, wiped the walls down, and invited me to help clear the space with Reiki! 
  • Add a bit of salt (or washing soda) to the laundry when washing clothes from a friend or thrift store to clear predecessor energy. 
  • I love envisioning a rose-gold sun in the middle of a space, and expanding out to compelling fill it! This image came from a Norwegian Elkhound called Emmett, who attended my Reiki class with one of his people.  After the workshop, a visiting friend who does animal communication received this image from my cat Jade, saying he showed her that Emmett child the house worth this light! Thank you, Emmett!
  • St Germaine's violet flame of transmutation is also good to imagine with clearing. 
What are your favorite ways to set space and clear energy? 
How do you incorporate Reiki?


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