
Showing posts from 2016

Reiki Styles

There was a discussion on Linkdin recently following the inquiry "are there different styles of Reiki?"  Yes & no!  Many different branches have formed, since Mikao Usui brought Reiki forward more than 100 years ago.  This article provides an interesting overview of the history in Japan, plus some of the Western modifications & modifiers! Usui's focus (Usui-Do) was on a spiritual system rather than hands-on healing, and many of his students were Buddhist monks and nuns, including his neice Suzuki-san, Yuri-in (who lived past 100), & Tenon-in (aka Mariko-Obaasan) who in died in 2005 at 107. Research, practice and a traditional fast granted Usui a high level of Ki. Around 1925, Usui-Sensei began 'renting out his dojo to others,' who would present their own lessons. Senior students Toshihiro Eguchi & Dr. Chuujiro Hayashi both explored healing, & included hand healing concepts and an energy transfer ceremony in their own teachings. Spiritua...

Red Thread Reiki

When studying Intentional Creativity last year, preparing to become a Color of Woman teacher and IC coach, I needed to offer several Red Thread Circles and events. My teacher Shiloh Sophia invited me to consider the connections  between Reiki and the IC teachings, "I know there are connections, explore what they are." A Chinese legend tells that we are connected before birth with those whom we're destined to meet by an invisible Red Thread. Through out lives, the thread may twist, stretch and tangle, but will never break. We each hold, and are responsible for our own piece of this thread. I immediately saw a connection with my own Reiki Thread, and considered how to weave the IC teachings to support my Reiki students. In April on 2015, I included a simple red thread circle during our Reiki I class, inviting each initiate to share her piece of the thread. During 2nd Degree class in July, we incorporated the symbol practice sheets into a Medicine Basket journal cover...

Protection and Reiki

A question students often ask is, " do we need to protect ourselves when offering a Reiki session?"  Well, no, ... yes, ... maybe!  No : In general, Reiki is"self adjusting," flowing where it needs to, in exactly the right amount, for both the practitioner and the receiver. Anything released returns to the earth and elements as energy. Reiki also recharges the giver during the session! Yes : Some individuals tend to take on others' energy more readily than others. Do you get easily fatigued in a large group? Are you sensitive to outside energies in everyday life? Try some of these suggestions, and observe what works best for YOU!  Intention : Taking a few minutes before and after a session to focus in and set your intention. You might think of this as "protection," or simply something you do! Invite anything released go into mama Gaia as compost, or hand it off to their guides and angels.  You may notice that your daily self-Reiki practice brin...

Clearing Old Stories

What stories run your life? Can you imagine learning ways to identify and clear the ones which no longer serve? Can you feel into living unrestrained by the old patterns? Reiki and the soulful story process offer you that opportunity! Many of us live with past beliefs and old responses, which keep us from living the lives we long for. When we bring those old stories to light, we have a Golden opportunity to change the script. Reiki and Intentional Creativity alchemise the transformation, making a path for true change. The Reiki principles offer a set of guidelines which can help us define core values and  Soulful Story Cards change the stories. Adapting them from  principles set forth by the Meiji emperor, Reiki founder Mikeo Usui offered these ideals to his students: For today only Anger not  Worry not With appreciation do work To others be kind Show gratitude Reiki and Intentional Creativity offer many tools for personal growth and positive shifts...