
Showing posts from February, 2025

The Power of Attunement

  In a recent post in the Usui Reiki Ryōhō group on Facebook, the querent asked ' if Reiki energy is in everything, why do we need to be attuned? ' Why, indeed? I've been asked this question several times over the last 34 years, and usually offer a story... Mrs Takata, who brought Reiki to the West, used the analogy of Radio waves - and talked about tuning in to the Reiki Channel - moving the dial till you get a clear signal. She also suggested envisioning the 'distant' symbol as a radio tower, for beaming energy / 'sending' the a Reiki energy over distance of space and time. Reiki precepts In my own experience as a Reiki teacher in the Usui/ Hayashi/Takata / Furumoto lineage: one of my first students in 1991 was very peaved that her 'guides' insisted she take my Reiki class! She already DID healing, thank you very much!  Sigh ... they kept nudging, so she came (I've written another part of her story here ) We talked a few minutes, A. was VERY re...