Reiki for the Self First
In her Reiki Webinar earlier this Week, East Coast Master Pamela Miles stressed the importance of developing a daily Self-Reiki practice . Initiated in the mid-eighties, Pamela began doing self-Reiki daily after that first class, & has continued. Her primary question to any Reiki student or practitioner experiencing problems 'Do you practice Daily Self Reiki? I remember my Master Analyse suggesting we fall asleep with one hand on our belly & one on our heart. Other masters suggest alternating between a full Self-treatment and one on the chakras. When was asked about Certification and Completion Requirements. Pamela chuckled & said she doesn't offer certification, but she does have some requirements. For First Degree: she invites her students to practice Self Reiki Daily, and she asks them one question .... On her blog, Pamela shared her simple morning practice: "To offer myself a full Reiki self-treatment, I place my hands on these areas of my body, in...