
Showing posts from July, 2015

Reiki for the Self First

In her Reiki Webinar earlier this Week, East Coast Master Pamela Miles stressed the importance of developing a daily Self-Reiki practice . Initiated in the mid-eighties, Pamela began doing self-Reiki daily after that first class, & has continued. Her primary question to any Reiki student or practitioner experiencing problems 'Do you practice Daily Self Reiki? I remember my Master Analyse suggesting we fall asleep with one hand on our belly & one on our heart. Other masters suggest alternating between a full Self-treatment and one on the chakras. When was asked about Certification and Completion Requirements. Pamela chuckled & said she doesn't offer certification, but she does have some requirements. For First Degree: she invites her students to practice Self Reiki Daily, and she asks them one question ....  On her blog, Pamela shared her simple morning practice:  "To offer myself a full Reiki self-treatment, I place my hands on these areas of my body, in...

Okuden, Going Deeper

In a recent e-mail, my friend Reiki-Master sister Sheila King wrote: 'Going deeply into your heart           Going deeply into your healing                     Opening yourself to the light ... 'The Japanese word Okuden means 'the Deeper knowledge'. To take Second degree Reiki means to open to deeper levels of Reiki and to yourself. Reiki on all levels is like   light in our lives, shining in all the dark corners, bringing us into alignment with our Higher Selves. First degree is like a flashlight shining within us. As we complete the shifting this illumination brings, we are ready to welcome the brighter stronger light that is Okuden. Initiation into Second degree gives us much more Light & energy to direct. ' With first Degree Reiki, we place our hands and the energy flows, beautifully, magically, what a blessing! It is unconsciously available at any time ... with Okuden, with deepening, w...